
Clevertrack uses a method of patching already read trips. If one does not patch you would continuously have to load already known trips, because it’s not possible to query based off of vehicle id. Hence, you have to define a date from which you want to load trips, and manage patching.

The connection requires a TOKEN environment which is a classic uid format. In addition, you should provide a pickle path to;

  • CAR_TRIPS_IDS : path to a pickle that stores mapping between vehicle ids and patched trips
  • PATCHED_IDS : path to a pickle that stores record of patched trips

Use the docker-compose-extractor.yaml file and define the functions you want to use in the extractor:

function description
set-vehicles syncs the vehicles
set-roundtrips loads, aggregate and save roundtrips
patch-roundtrips patches read trips on the connection
["/bin/sh", "-c", "python -m fleetmanager.extractors.clevertrack set-vehicles && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.clevertrack set-roundtrips && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.clevertrack patch-roundtrips"]