
First version extracts data through a SOAP API. The environment must contain variable KEYS with value string that evaluates to list of strings e.g.

KEYS="['firstKey', 'secondKey']"

Use the docker-compose-extractor.yaml file and define the entrypoints function you want to use

function description
set-trackers syncs the vehicles
set-roundtrips loads, aggregate and save roundtrips
clean-roundtrips deletes X (keep_data in DB) month old roundtrips
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost set-trackers && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost set-roundtrips && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost clean-roundtrips"]

SkyHost V2

Second version uses the rest api, and uses env variables ACCOUNT_IDS and API_KEYS as a comma-separated list. Each connection has exactly one account id and one api key. E.g.


Use the docker-compose-extractor.yaml file and define the functions you want to use in the extractor:

function description
set-allowed-starts loads and saves new locations
set-trackers syncs the vehicles
set-roundtrips loads, aggregate and save roundtrips
clean-roundtrips deletes X (keep_data in DB) month old roundtrips
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost set-allowed-starts && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost set-trackers && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost set-roundtrips && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.skyhost clean-roundtrips"]