
You must modify the urls in the Gamfleet extractor code in order to point to the correct endpoints.

To make the load more effective, we use a LOAD_RECORD_PATH to store load history of each vehicle. This asserts that we don’t load old unusable trips.

  • LOAD_RECORD_PATH : path to json history (optional)
  • KEY : key to the Gamfleet API

Use the docker-compose-extractor.yaml file and define the functions you want to use in the extractor:

function description
set-starts loads and saves new locations
set-vehicles syncs the vehicles
set-roundtrips loads, aggregate and save roundtrips
clean-roundtrips deletes X (keep_data in DB) month old roundtrips
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python -m fleetmanager.extractors.gamfleet set-starts && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.gamfleet set-vehicles && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.gamfleet set-roundtrips && python -m fleetmanager.extractors.gamfleet clean-roundtrips"]